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Marketplace Prayers
Many of us live our lives as our jobs, our careers, as if what we do, what we say, how we
behave, in the workplace is no one else’s concern. We bemoan when things go wrong. We
worry that our actions will end with disastrous results, but we don’t do the spiritual work
that is necessary to shine our light in the marketplace.
Marketplace Prayers is a spiritual guide for the workplace that asks you to review your
thoughts and actions, right past wrongs, commit to doing better, make positive changes, and
Repentance is what you need to shore up your spiritual walls, so to speak. If you stop to look
at every aspect of your life, even at work, beyond any wrongdoings, you’ll be surprised other
areas of your life that require repentance.
Examples of areas of weakness include:
Living with bitterness
And more!
Don’t fool yourself into believing your immune from marketplace wrongdoings.
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